9 jul 2013

[Instagram] 130706 - 130708 Jia update instagram [2P]

mjbaby0203: 出发 厦门                       
Trans: Lets go, Xiamen
Trad: Vamos, Xiamen
mjbaby0203: 연습실에서 셀카~ㅋ
Trans: Selca in practice room~ ke
Trad: Selca en la sala de ensayo~ ke

Translation Ch-Eng: JIAYO890203
Translation Kor-Eng: JIAYO890203
Translation Eng-Esp: Jia890203

6 jul 2013

5 jul 2013

[Instagram] 130705 Jia update instagram con Kris de EXO y Baek Ah Yeon [2P]

mjbaby0203: with kris〜
Trad: con kris〜
mjbaby0203: With 아연~예쁜 동생
Trans: With Ah yeon~pretty dongsaeng
Trad: Con Ah yeon~ preciosa dongsaeng

Translation Kor-Eng : fyjypnation
Translation Eng-Esp: Jia890203

3 jul 2013

[Pictures] Nuevas fotos del auto-diseño de Jia [7P]

Source: prototype

[Twitter] 130703 Jia update twitter [1P]

@missA_jia: 제가 검은색 티는 신플한 드자인했어요~요쯤은 그냥 신플한 티 에다가 좀 특히한악세사리하는거도 패션 완료에요!~특히여자분이면~ 하의실종도 여름만 입을수있는거잖아요!
Trans: I did a simple design on the black tee~ Recently I just add a little of decoration on the simple tee and it can become a fashion!~ Especially girls~ during summer you can wear like the bottom disappeared!
Trad: Yo diseñe una camiseta negra y sencilla~ Recientemente acabo de añadirle un poco de decoración a ésta camiseta simple y podría convertirse en una moda!~~ durante el verano se puede usar como el fondo desaparecido!

Translation Kor-Eng: JIAYO890203
Translation Eng-Esp: Jia890203